Metathesiophobia: Overcoming the Fear of Change

Metathesiophobia- Overcoming the Fear of Change

Change can be a daunting experience, even when it holds the promise of exciting new opportunities. Whether it’s starting college, entering a romantic relationship, or simply taking on a new challenge, the fear of the unknown can trigger feelings of anxiety that are completely normal.
But what if this fear becomes too overwhelming and holds you back from living life to the fullest?
In this article, we’ll explore the roots of the fear of change, why it’s normal to experience some anxiety during transitions, and what you can do to overcome it.

Where Does the Fear of Change Come From?

The fear of change can be traced back to our earliest days as a species. Throughout history, humans have evolved to be cautious of new experiences, as it was a survival mechanism that helped us stay away from danger. In today’s world, this instinct is often still present and can make us feel anxious or uncertain when faced with a change.

Why is it Normal to Experience Anxiety During Transitions?

Change can bring a sense of unpredictability and loss of control, which can be stressful for many people. It can also trigger feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, as we try to navigate the unknown. But it’s important to remember that these feelings are natural and a normal part of the transition process.

What is Metathesiophobia?

Metathesiophobia is the fear of change. This phobia can range from mild anxiety to a full-blown panic attack when faced with the thought of change. It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause the fear, but it is often related to a fear of the unknown or a fear of failure.

What is Metathesiophobia?

Symptoms of Metathesiophobia

The symptoms of metathesiophobia can vary depending on the individual and the severity of their phobia. Some common symptoms include:

  • Intense anxiety when faced with change
  • Panic attacks 
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Avoidance of new situations or experiences
  • Difficulty adapting to new environments
  • Physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, or heart palpitations

Causes of Metathesiophobia ( The Fear of Change)

Metathesiophobia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Past traumatic experiences with change
  2. Negative experiences with change in the past
  3. A fear of the unknown or of failure
  4. A lack of control or security in one’s life
  5. A lack of support or encouragement from othersCauses of Metathesiophobia ( The Fear of Change) 

Examples of the Fear of Change

Career Shift

Your present employment is causing you a great deal of distress. Each day, you awaken filled with apprehension about work. More than anything, you desire to switch professional paths and dedicate your time to something that brings you contentment. However, before you start exploring job opportunities or researching further education programs, you stop yourself. You are aware of what you want to do with your life, but the notion of attempting it and the possibility of “failing” holds you back from leaving your unsatisfying job.

Escaping an Abusive Relationship

You have been in a relationship with the same person for five years, and you know it’s toxic.Each day, you are frightened of getting hurt. All your friends and family tell you that there are plenty of other options who will treat you better than your current partner. But you don’t leave. All your belongings are intertwined with theirs, you share friends, and you convince yourself that nobody wants to date someone your age. Part of you also worries that the next person you date will be even more abusive or unpredictable. At least after five years, you are familiar with their harmful patterns.

Liberation from Parental Control

All your life, you have lived under the close supervision of your parents. They have imposed strict rules on you, and even though these rules make you unhappy, you have always adhered to them. You don’t know anything else! As an adult, you understand that people can live without these constraints and still be happy and healthy. The more you are exposed to the “outside world,” the more you want to be a part of it. But what if your parents are right? What if breaking away from what you know will lead to failure? These thoughts prevent you from freeing yourself, and you continue to live under your parents’ control, even though it makes you miserable.

Nostalgia for the Good Old Days

High school was an unforgettable four years of your life. You had fantastic friends, excelled in academics, and were very content. The idea of going to college and losing everything you had in high school terrifies you. You don’t want to apply to college and even consider finding a job in your hometown, even though you know you could achieve more. Instead of envisioning the next stage of your life, you find yourself reliving the same high school memories.

Escaping an Abusive Relationship

Overcoming Metathesiophobia ( The Fear of Change)

While metathesiophobia can be a challenging phobia to overcome, it is possible with the right approach. Some effective strategies for overcoming this fear include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. This therapy can help individuals with metathesiophobia identify and challenge their negative thoughts about change and learn to view change in a more positive light.
  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing the individual to their fear of change in a controlled and safe environment. This can help them learn to cope with their fear and eventually overcome it.
  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be recommended to help manage the symptoms of metathesiophobia. This can include anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants.
  • Support from others: Having the support of friends, family, or a support group can be extremely helpful for individuals with the fear. Talking about their fear of change and receiving encouragement and support can help them feel more confident and empowered to make changes in their lives.
  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, gardening, meditation, and yoga, can help individuals with metathesiophobia manage their symptoms and reduce their anxiety about change.Overcoming Metathesiophobia ( The Fear of Change)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is metathesiophobia a common phobia?

Yes, metathesiophobia is a relatively common phobia. It is estimated that 1-2% of the population struggles with this phobia.

 Can metathesiophobia be treated?

Yes, metathesiophobia can be treated with the right approach. Treatment options may include therapy, medication, support from others, and mindfulness and relaxation techniques.

Is it possible to overcome metathesiophobia without seeking professional help?

While it is possible to make progress in overcoming metathesiophobia without professional help, seeking support from a therapist or mental health professional can greatly increase your chances of success. They can provide you with the tools, strategies, and support you need to overcome your phobia and make positive changes in your life.

Can metathesiophobia have a negative impact on my daily life?

Yes, metathesiophobia can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life. It can prevent individuals from pursuing new opportunities, making changes in their lives, and enjoying new experiences. This can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and depression.


Metathesiophobia, the fear of change, can be a challenging phobia to overcome, but it is possible with the right approach. Whether you seek professional help or take a more self-directed approach, there are many strategies that can help you overcome your fear of change and live a more fulfilling life. Remember, change is a natural part of life, and embracing change can bring new opportunities and experiences. So, don’t let metathesiophobia hold you back from living the life you deserve.